Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

In the tropics can hold eggplant netherlands

In the tropics can hold eggplant netherlands live at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. or more; eggplant is still able to live on 2000 m above sea level, where monthly temperatures remain mostly above 10 ° C and frozen dew, which can kill young plants and leaves and shoots of the plant ends up, not too heavy.

In the lowlands, holland eggplant tree can not blossom,
Agen Judi Bola while the cold air (perhaps especially nights' cold) can induce flowering. Therefore, these crops mature fruit in the winter "in the subtropik, and if grown in tropical regions of the mature fruit after going cold. Fruit flavor will be better on sunny days warm and the nights are cold in the dry season in the tropics than for winter dl plateau. Dutch eggplant grows well in soil drainasenya smoothly, because the organic matter and moisture are. These plants are not resistant to stagnation, even if only for 1-2 days. Holt that bears much fruit, and long-lived shade dl found in the chicken coop; This case proves that eggplant dutch resposif of manure and dry places. Shallow rooted crop, so easily broken down, also cabang- brittle branches that are easily broken if heavy fruiting. So, the location should be Taruhan Bola Online selected or be dominated tree windbreak.
guidelines for Aquaculture

Multiplication and planting:
Dutch eggplant seeds should be selected from the same plant capacity to parent. In Brazil, the seeds were washed, dried and ventilated and kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Cooling out resulting in germination absolutely 100% in 4-6 days. Should have been prepared seedbed nurtured or given compost and lightly shaded. Multiplication by cuttings is an alternative, but it is difficult to ensure that will be free from viruses. Growth in the medium can reduce losses from planting in the field. Stem cuttings from 1-2 years of age, diameter 10-30 mm, length 45-100 cm can be planted directly in the ground after the leaves removed. Plants from cuttings grow into a leafy tree branches low, which should be removed so that the flowers in the first year of growth can be stimulated.

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Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014

Antes da venda serían adestrados en primeiro lugar

Antes da venda serían adestrados en primeiro lugar, porque un bo chupão ou non a determinación do prezo de venda máis tarde. "O campión loitou máis caro", explicou.
Betta peixes poden vivir en ambientes de auga e falta de osíxeno contaminado. Este peixe pode ser mantida nun frasco pequeno, mesmo sen o aireador. Esta capacidade é conseguida por Betta ten unha cavidade de labirinto como no pulmón humano. O labirinto pode facelo capaz de sobrevivir en ambientes con pouco osíxeno.
Tipos de peixe Betta

En xeral, hai dous tipos de peixe Betta, é dicir, 303palace.com Agen Judi Bola SBOBET IBCBET Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 decorativo e Betta Betta queixa. Hickey ornamental mantida para apreciar a beleza da cor e da forma. Fins ben suave, movementos graciosos con cores atractivas. Mentres a reclamación alegaba Betta Betta loitando por raza ou reduce a un simple pracer.

Betta peixes ornamentais son xeralmente derivado do tipo de Betta splendens, mentres que a denuncia trátase dunha especie de Betta Betta e imbillis Betta smaragdina. Ademais, hai tamén un chupão queixas ornamentais derivadas do tipo de Betta imbillis var. Malaisia, ou tamén popular co nome do chupão cinco cores. Escriba Hickey ten fermosas cores e formas na natureza agresiva vez.

As diferenzas de macho e femia Betta peixe:
Machos: movementos áxiles, aletas e cola expande ancho, cores brillantes, corpo maior. Fêmeas: movementos máis lentos, aletas e cola máis curta, cores máis opacas, corpo pequeno.

Escolla un Betta creadores de peixe

Para obter os mellores resultados tanto en cantidade e calidade, escolla un peixe de calidade de sementes. Xeralmente boa semente é de descendencia superior e en condicións axeitadas. Asegúrese de que as sementes a seren utilizadas xa na fase está listo para ser encaixado.


Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

Ear Mushroom Cultivation

Ear Mushroom Cultivation - Mushrooms have been known and popular as a delicacy since the XIV century AD Fungus has become a special meal for the current state officials of the Ming dynasty in power in mainland China. Delicacy and flavor typical of fungi spread all over the world since the opening of trade and communication inter-population countries and continents. The fungus has been a favorite dish once prestigious.

Mushroom cultivation can be managed as a sideline or small-scale economic enterprises, medium, and large (industrial). Countries that have developed mushroom cultivation as a mainstay and seed agribusiness industry are China, the Netherlands, Spain, Francis, Belgium, and Thailand. These countries include the largest mushroom producer in the world.

Ear Mushroom Cultivation
Maintenance on mushroom sakaupoker.com agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya cultivation is very simple, which is to create and maintain the environmental conditions of cultivation (cultivation) qualified growth. The steps include making mushroom cultivation or improvement (rehabilitation) the fungus (mushroom), mycelium and fruiting body care, pest or disease control, and harvesting.

Mushroom Cultivation
A. Creation or Rehabilitation Home Ear Mushrooms (mushroom)
Simple mushroom houses can be made from a wooden frame (bamboo) leaf thatched roofs, woven bamboo, rice straw or wicker. The ideal size of the mushroom house is 84 square meters (12 m long, 7 m wide) and 3.5 m high. Mushroom shape like a railway carriage, under the mushroom fungus pole standing straight and curved semi-circular roof.

The room is equipped mushroom cultivation mushroom shelves or para-para (shed) which is mounted in rows, berderat, and composite layered in between the sides of the poles. Size adjustable shelves with size poly (mycelium bags) mushroom seed which will in incubation and planted. Kumbung rack consists of rack units separated by main roads and intersections that cut through the room. Rack unit form barriers or longitudinal arrangement of horizontal wood or laminated solid and neatly mounted between the poles. The width and height of each shelf unit made of about 2 x 20 cm (length polybag) or about 40 cm, while the length of 3 m or adapted to the size of the width of mushroom.

Rows of shelving units mounted on a regular basis on the left and right side of the room so that the middle of the road there is a mushroom house about 1 meter wide and between shelf units are 80 cm wide road intersection.


Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

Ruoka annetaan viitenä päivänä viikossa jopa

Ruoka annetaan viitenä päivänä viikossa jopa 5% päivittäin jakoon aamulla ja iltapäivällä 2,5% 2,5%. Kun lisäksi otetaan huomioon myös trash kahdesti viikossa niin paljon kuin 10% painosta vanhemman kalaa. Tämä vaihe on valmis nopeu
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ttamaan maturiteetti sukuelimiin.
Ominaisuudet vanhemman monni sukurauhasten kypsä ja valmis kutu ovat seuraavat:
. Monni emon
- Ikä kolme vuotta. - Koko 1,5-2 kg. - Vatsa laajentunut kohti peräaukko. - Vatsa tuntuu pehmeältä ja tasaiselta yhteyttä. - Cloaca turvonnut ja tummanpunainen. - Iholle vatsan pehmeää ja ohutta. - Jos painetaan ympäri viemärisuoleen tulee ulos muutaman munat ovat pyöreitä ja suuruus yhtenäinen.
b. Hedevanhempi Catfish
- Ikä kaksi vuotta. - Koko 1,5-2 kg. - Iho vetelä vatsa ja ohut. - Kun akankeluar lajiteltu siemenneste on valk
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Monni siemen vuotiaita 1 päivä siirrettiin akvaario kooltaan 80 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm. Kukin akvaario täynnä vettä porakaivoista, jotka on hiilihappoa. Kalanistutuksia tiheys oli 500 kalaa per akvaario. Ilmastimet sijoitettiin kuhunkin akvaario niin, että siemen tarvitsee happea täyttyvän. Vakaa huoneen lämpötilan ja veden lämpötila käytetty lämmitin tai uuni voi käyttää säästää rahaa. Siemenet päivän ikäisten ei pitäisi syöttää lisäksi ulkopuolella, koska ne on vielä reservi ruoan muodossa ruskuaispussi tai kananmunan keltuainen.
Kolmantena päivänä, siemenet saivat lisää ruokaa kuten kalaa emulsio keitettyä kanaa munankeltuainen. Lisäksi vähitellen korvata elävää ravintoa kuten Moina cyprinacea tai yleisesti tunnettu vesikirput ja hyttysen toukkia. Laajentuminen monni voidaan tehdä altaalla, pintaverkkoja kautta kynä ja häkissä järjestelmään.
) laajentuminen monni altaassa voidaan tehdä monokulttuurin ja monilajisiin järjestelmiin. b) monni kasvatus pintaverkkoja, asioita, jotka on otettava huomioon ovat: sijainti ylläpidon, miten käyttää pintaverkkoja, miten vesi ja veden laatu, sekä suurentava prosessi. c) monni kasvatus kynä järjestelmiä, jotka on otettava huomioon: sijoituspaikan valinta, veden laatu, miten järjestelmän soveltamista, sileää ja ruokinta sekä ohjaus ja satonsa. d) monni kasvatus häkeissä, pohtimaan ongelmaa: sijoituspaikan valinta, kylvö, lisäruokinta, ohjaus ja sadonkorjuu. Hampang voidaan tehdä verkkojen, kumia, bambusta tai lanka ram varustettu napa tai pylväät ajetaan pohjaan vesillä. Sopiva paikka asennukselle hampang: ± 0,5-3 metrin syvyydestä syvyys vaihtelut enintään 50 cm, virtaus ei ole liian raskas, mutta tarpeeksi vettä liikkeeseen hampang. Pilaantumatonta vesillä ja pohjimmiltaan hieman mutainen. Suojattu aallot ja voimakkaat tuulet ja suojattu tuholaisia, tauteja ja saalistajat (saalistaja). Periaatteessa kivinen vesillä, painolasti tulee käyttää apuna kiristää net. Välinen etäisyys napojen bambu / puu ympäri


Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014

Organic fertilizers can be purchased

Organic fertilizers can be purchased at the farm store or make your own. Ways to make your own organic fertilizer is as follows:
Making Bacteria 1


Various types of fruits that are ripe 5 kg.
Molasses, or sugar ¼ kg

How to manufacture:

Material to be crushed or shredded pulp.
Take the juice by means of filtered or wring.
Dissolve molasses or white sugar.
Mix the juice of fruit juice with a sugar solution.
Store in a container that does not place fer sunlight for 2 weeks.
Bacteria 1 ready to be used to make compost.

Making Bacteria 2


Rice water 1 liter.
Bacteria 1 as much as 10 tablespoons.
40% alcohol or water as much as 10 tablespoons tape.
10 tablespoons vinegar.
Sugar 1 ounce.

How to manufacture:

Mix all ingredients together.
Store in a sealed bottle for 2 weeks and not exposed to sunlight.
Bacteria 2 ready for use.


As a liquid fertilizer and pest control.
Materials composters.
breeding bacteria


Bacteria 1 liter
Leaves (1-2 kg) of the plant were not gummy.
½ kg of shrimp paste and mixed with water.
Sugar or molasses (choose one) 1 kg and dissolve in water.
30 kg of animal dung.
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Enough water.


Put manure and leaves into the drum.
Put a solution of sugar, shrimp paste and bacteria solution.
Add water to the stagnant, stirring, stirring
Close the drum.
After 8-10 days of culturing bacteria has been completed and closed drums dibukak.
Strain and input into a container or bottle, keep the place not exposed to direct sunlight.
Sieve residue still contains residual bacteria, leaving 1-2 liters and add water, shrimp paste, sugar solution with the same ratio, stirring, stirring and close the container.
After 8-10 days the bacteria already proliferate and ready for use.
Continue the work of up to a few times.


To make compost.
Can be used directly as a fertilizer spray
Should not be mixed with oth